Humans have been allegorists since time immemorial. Through this art of narrating, even the most mystical learning has been presented in accessible forms through scripture and doctrine. India too has left a trail of allegories, a metaphorical approach to the basis of creation, including Vastu – the art of spatial planning and geometry. Vastu is often blended with the jargon of mythology, but it is universal when put into practice rationally. This look at it is merely an illustrative introduction to an age-old indigenous architectural practice of Indian origin. The primitives are often mistakenly seen as too naive for today’s world. The following is an attempt to connect the diverging threads of today’s deconstructive intelligence and the enduring metaphysics of Vastu.
Ahirrao, Raviraj; and Ahirrao, Manjushree Raviraj. 2006. VastuRaviraajj. New Delhi: VastuShastra Research Foundation.
Alexander, Christopher. 1977. A Pattern Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Alexander, Christopher. 1979. Timeless Way of Building. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bhatia, Gautam. 1991. Laurie Baker: Life, Works and Writings. London: Penguin Books.
Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish. 2014. The Dance of Shiva: Fourteen Essays. New Delhi: Rupa Publications.
Correa, Charles. 2010. The Public, the Private and the Sacred. In Correa, Charles (ed.), A Place in the Shade: The New Landscape & Other Essays, 40-255. Goa: Charles Correa Foundation.
Correa, Charles. 2015. Make sure it's your own train. In Correa, Charles (ed.), A Place in the Shade: The New Landscape & Other Essays. Goa: Charles Correa Foundation.
The Sunday Times. 2018. Soaring high on tradition. The Sunday Times. https://www.sundaytimes.lk/180729/plus/soaring-high-on-tradition-304274.html (consulted on 07/02/2023)
Ngo, Dung. 1969. White Light, Black Shadow. Louis I. Kahn Conversations with Students, vol. 2, 1: 26-90.
Sadhguru. 2021. What are the Five Elements or Pancha Bhutas? https://isha.sadhguru.org/in/en/wisdom/article/five-elements-pancha-bhuta (consulted on 07/02/2023)
Svoboda, Robert. E. 2020. V?stu: Breathing Life Into Space. New Delhi: Rupa Publications.

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