The Traditional Building Cultures Foundation ( seeks to foster and promote the study, protection, teaching, dissemination and conservation of the traditional building, architecture and urbanism characteristic of the various regions of the world.
The traditional building arts have over the centuries accumulated the wisdom of countless generations concerning the sustainable use of a place’s resources and the basic principles for applying them in creating beautiful, sustainable and comfortable habitats and environments.
These building traditions are the fruit of our culture and territory, a mark of identity making the architecture of each region unique and forming an irreplaceable store of knowledge about our environment and how to inhabit it, not just in an eco-friendly way but also to our long-term benefit. Yet today they are on the verge of extinction, as is, consequently, a vital part of our culture and heritage.
The contemporary practice of traditional building, architecture and urbanism is, however, a living reality. Many practitioners even today excel in their continuation and are fine exponents of the craftsmanship of those who went before.
Identifying, studying, promoting and disseminating best practice in these fields and educating new generations in their significance for the future of our civilisation and our environment are the chief aims of this Foundation.
We can continue creating buildings, towns and places as beautiful, lasting and sustainable as those made by former generations.